The Best Way To Get Abs - Quick Start Guide For Guys To Get Ripped Abs

We are always looking for the best way to get abs fast. Here we'll get straight to the point as I give you a "crash course" on what it takes to lose stomach fat and get ripped, lean abs.

1. Motivation

Without motivation you will not follow through with your ab workouts, much less start. So how do you develop motivation?

- Write down what you will gain from losing stomach fat and getting six-pack abs

- Next, write down what you have to lose from not following through with your ab regimen (ex: more dates, more confidence, better fitting clothes, etc.)

- Take a "before picture" as well as measurements and keep track of how much stomach fat you're losing and see how much your abs are developing; the more you see the physical gains the more motivation you'll get.

2. Right Exercises

The best way to get abs fast obviously has to incorporate the best ab workouts. There are a lot of good ab workouts (as well as bad ones). Some of the best ab workouts are multi-joint workouts, meaning they incorporate other body parts as well. Here we'll list a couple of good ab workouts you can start to use right now.

Side Planks

- Get on the floor on your right side and lift yourself off the floor with your right forearm and right foot, so the rest of your body is in the air. Try as best as you can to hold yourself in a straight line and don't allow your right hip to go down or sit too high. Hold that position for as long as possible on the right side and then switch to your left. Also, attempt to hold the plank position for thirty to sixty seconds on both sides. If you want it to be more challenging hold that position for more than a minute.

- Mason twist

Begin by sitting in the floor, now bring your feet off the floor, around 6 inches and hold them in the air together. Now interlock your fingers to make a fist. Touch the floor on your right side, then touch the floor on the left side, and go as fast as you can from right to left. This has got to be one of the best I've tried. Try to do as many reps as possible.

- Fifer Scissor

Lie down on the floor, and bring your right leg up to where it's pointing straight to the ceiling. Hold for a second, then bring it down and bring the left leg up towards the ceiling and repeat for 25 reps. It may sound easy, yet you'll fell it in just a couple of reps. Make sure you contract your abs during the whole workout.

3. Diet and Nutrition

You could have the best ab workout ever, if you don't have a good diet to go with it, I'm sorry to say you won't get very far. Over all, make sure you eliminate all sugary foods and snacks. Watch out for any foods with high fructose corn syrup or trans fats, deep fried foods, breads and pasta and other foods with too much carbs. Make sure you have protein in your meals such as chicken, fish, beans, eggs and also vegetables. You'll find it worth it to buy quality multi vitamins and drink a lot of water which is vital to your body.

4. Create a workout schedule

Creating a workout schedule will let your mind know you are serious your ab workouts. You're also using the law of commitment and consistency in your favor which says that whatever you commit yourself to (like writing out your ab workout schedule) you'll be consistent with. Do your ab workouts 3 times a week. By keeping a schedule you'll be more likely to follow through with it.

Remember it starts with motivation so make sure you do the motivation exercise. It may be ideal to do your ab workout in the morning when you have more energy and I can't say this enough that you must have a good diet. Follow this best way to get abs fast guideline to lose stomach fat and get ripped six-pack abs before you know it!

Also, make sure you go to Best Ab Toner Diet to learn the difference between fat burning foods and fat storing foods to get lean, toned abs.

( You can also go to Best Way Get Abs Fast where you can browse through more ab nutrition tips and exercises)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_M_Rodriguez