The Best Way To Get Abs - Quick Start Guide For Guys To Get Ripped Abs

We are always looking for the best way to get abs fast. Here we'll get straight to the point as I give you a "crash course" on what it takes to lose stomach fat and get ripped, lean abs.

1. Motivation

Without motivation you will not follow through with your ab workouts, much less start. So how do you develop motivation?

- Write down what you will gain from losing stomach fat and getting six-pack abs

- Next, write down what you have to lose from not following through with your ab regimen (ex: more dates, more confidence, better fitting clothes, etc.)

- Take a "before picture" as well as measurements and keep track of how much stomach fat you're losing and see how much your abs are developing; the more you see the physical gains the more motivation you'll get.

2. Right Exercises

The best way to get abs fast obviously has to incorporate the best ab workouts. There are a lot of good ab workouts (as well as bad ones). Some of the best ab workouts are multi-joint workouts, meaning they incorporate other body parts as well. Here we'll list a couple of good ab workouts you can start to use right now.

Side Planks

- Get on the floor on your right side and lift yourself off the floor with your right forearm and right foot, so the rest of your body is in the air. Try as best as you can to hold yourself in a straight line and don't allow your right hip to go down or sit too high. Hold that position for as long as possible on the right side and then switch to your left. Also, attempt to hold the plank position for thirty to sixty seconds on both sides. If you want it to be more challenging hold that position for more than a minute.

- Mason twist

Begin by sitting in the floor, now bring your feet off the floor, around 6 inches and hold them in the air together. Now interlock your fingers to make a fist. Touch the floor on your right side, then touch the floor on the left side, and go as fast as you can from right to left. This has got to be one of the best I've tried. Try to do as many reps as possible.

- Fifer Scissor

Lie down on the floor, and bring your right leg up to where it's pointing straight to the ceiling. Hold for a second, then bring it down and bring the left leg up towards the ceiling and repeat for 25 reps. It may sound easy, yet you'll fell it in just a couple of reps. Make sure you contract your abs during the whole workout.

3. Diet and Nutrition

You could have the best ab workout ever, if you don't have a good diet to go with it, I'm sorry to say you won't get very far. Over all, make sure you eliminate all sugary foods and snacks. Watch out for any foods with high fructose corn syrup or trans fats, deep fried foods, breads and pasta and other foods with too much carbs. Make sure you have protein in your meals such as chicken, fish, beans, eggs and also vegetables. You'll find it worth it to buy quality multi vitamins and drink a lot of water which is vital to your body.

4. Create a workout schedule

Creating a workout schedule will let your mind know you are serious your ab workouts. You're also using the law of commitment and consistency in your favor which says that whatever you commit yourself to (like writing out your ab workout schedule) you'll be consistent with. Do your ab workouts 3 times a week. By keeping a schedule you'll be more likely to follow through with it.

Remember it starts with motivation so make sure you do the motivation exercise. It may be ideal to do your ab workout in the morning when you have more energy and I can't say this enough that you must have a good diet. Follow this best way to get abs fast guideline to lose stomach fat and get ripped six-pack abs before you know it!

Also, make sure you go to Best Ab Toner Diet to learn the difference between fat burning foods and fat storing foods to get lean, toned abs.

( You can also go to Best Way Get Abs Fast where you can browse through more ab nutrition tips and exercises)

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_M_Rodriguez

How to Get Six Packs Abs - The Best and Magical Ways to Gain Six Pack Abs

Getting six pack abs is a real frustration. It's not an easy task to turn up your entire body into muscles and reshape it into six pack abs. For all those who desire to have a six pack abs and is not getting a real guideline over building it; I will probably let you know some easy and natural tips over developing and building six pack abs. Many of them don't know the exact ways of developing six pack abs, the end up complaining of getting no results even after trying out heavier exercises and lifting weights. Even though you spend hours together everyday working out determinately, you really need to know how to perform correct exercises in a correct way and what food habits to practice.

Remember guys Diet and Exercises go hand in hand. Both are really important in order to change the entire structure of your body and make it hard and muscular.

Diet and exercise are really essential and a basic factor in order to Get six packs abs. If you believe in going to gym and working out then believe you, me it will give you results but for a temporary period. So my suggestion is follow natural exercises and home cooked diet in order to get those muscles build up fast and remove all unwanted fats causing obstruction in your way of building six packs. Go on reading further and discover some useful guidelines.

Do exercises at home on a daily basis like, Leg Lifting, Upper and back Crunches, Incline sit-ups, Push ups and pull ups. Repeat these exercises for about 15 times. This will affect your upper and lower abs which will contribute a lot to build six pack abs.

Eating specific foods will really help you to burn your belly fats, which will then make your belly look muscular and it, I'll be easy to develop six packs. You should eat foods like Fish, Meat, apples, oranges, cereals; green vegetables, skimmed milk, etc.

Drink 5 glasses of water everyday

Perform cardio exercises. This will help your unwanted fats to be burned quickly. Cardio exercises can be done in your Gym, n your fitness class, etc. Riding a bicycle will also be an effective exercise in order to develop six packs.

I am sure now you might feel relaxed that you got a complete list of Exercising and diet plan and I am sure you will follow it and benefit yourself by getting 6 pack abs.

Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide [http://musclemonster.info/] by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time. Click Here [http://musclemonster.info/] To Visit Next Page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Mcmillan

Lose Flabby Arms - How to Lose Weight & Gain Muscle With Bodybuilding Diet Programs

You cannot target that area for weight loss but there are things you can try. This problem may be more applicable to women. Ever seen a man wave a flabby arm? How can you lose weight and build muscle on the upper arms?

As we age we lose much of the collagen and elastin our body produces. Some people just genetically have extra fat there in their upper arms. When we were kids, they were called "Grandma Arms". Do not despair, you have options and can get rid of flabby arms.

First of all, it is the hardest part of the body to get rid of fat. The upper arm is impossible to target just losing weight. There are gels and creams that claim they can tone the under arm and get rid of lose flabby arms. The jury is still out on the success rate of cremes and gels over the counter. There is a new chemical called Lipodisolve. There have not been enough trials done to prove its efficacy

One extreme option is surgery. The particular procedure is called a Brachioplasty (Also called "Arm Lift" is a plastic (cosmetic, aesthetic) surgical procedure that involves removing excess or loose skin and fat from ...) or arm lift. It is a same day surgery and it is done under general anesthesia. You will have stitches or a drain that come out the first week. It takes two to six weeks to recover and you will have a scar on the underside of your arm. You wear compression stockings on your arms for a while so you do not get any blood clots.

Liposuction is another, a little less invasive surgical procedure to take the fat out of your under arm. Many times they do a combination surgery with the Brachioplasty and liposuction. After surgery you will have pain and be given medication. You will probably be out of the work force for at least a week.

The most sensible and safest way to get rid of that

We can provide you with the most effective body building and weight lifting advice on the net. Find The Right Way to Lose Weight Build Muscle [http://www.looseweightbuildmuscle.com] and how to Build Muscles FAST at Lose Weight Build Muscle [http://www.looseweightbuildmuscle.com]. Your SIZE depends on it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_D._West

How To Build Muscle - Quickest Way To Build Arm Muscles

Your arm muscles are made up of a series of muscle groups. Your biceps are often what people will notice about you first.

Your triceps, on the back of the arms, increase the size of the upper arm. Your shoulders also add definition and size to your arm muscles.

So what's the best way to build arm muscle?

In this article we'll look at some of the most effective exercises to get your arms pumped. For each exercise make sure you keep correct form. Sometimes looking in a mirror can help with this.

Your muscles will never grow until you feed them with nutrients and your body with fuel. Eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates.

Get enough rest to allow your body to recover. Aim for 8 hours sleep per night and take 1 to 2 days rest between gym session.

Create a plan and stick to it. Plan what exercises you're going to do, how much you're going to eat and how much muscle you're going to gain.

Log everything. From how many calories you eat per day to your body fat. This will help keep you motivated and you'll know if anything needs adjusting.

Arm Workouts

The incline dumbbell curl is a great exercise for targeting the biceps. This exercise will produce good definition and size. Do 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps. Find a weight that's difficult to lift. You should be able get to the final rep and not do any more.

The barbell curl targets the biceps well. Keep to good form and be careful not to swing your body at you perform the workout. Concentrate on only using your biceps and no other muscle. Aim for 3 sets of 10,8,6.

The tricep rope extension will give your triceps a really tough workout. When performing this exercise, hold the rope at the bottom and squeeze your triceps for a couple of seconds during each rep. Aim for 3 sets of 10,8,6.

The shoulders are a great muscle group to work on since they give the appearance of a muscular upper body. The upright row (using a barbell) should be carried out in 3 sets of 12,8,10.

The dumbbell shoulder press is another resistance exercise that targets the shoulder muscles. Try to do this exercise sitting down in front of a mirror. This will help you keep the correct form and not swing your arms.

Want to know more?

Learn how to build muscle at 123BuildMuscle.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Bell

Muscle Building Arm Workouts - Three Important Things To Remember

If you're like many guys who are interested in building muscle mass, you're most concerned with your arm development. Almost every guy who's going into the gym to do his workout program is going to be looking for the perfect muscle building arm workouts that will give him killer biceps and noticeable triceps.

But yet, few ever show the results they're hoping for. Why is this? How come building great arms seems like such a hard task to accomplish for most guys?

Let's take a quick look at a few of the most critical factors that you must know about muscle building arm workouts. If you don't have these in place with your workout program, you cannot expect to see top-level results from it.

Perform Heavy Compound Lifts

The very first thing that you must be doing if you're going to get great arms is to make sure that you're performing compound lifts as often as possible. This includes movements like bench presses, bent over rows, pull-ups, and shoulder presses.

While these exercises are going to predominately work the major muscle groups in the body, since the smaller muscles of the biceps and triceps will also come into play, you're going to see noticeable improvements in them as well.

What's more is that because you tend to lift such heavy weights while doing these exercises, that means you'll get more total overall strength development.

Utilize Supersets Often

The second thing that you must know as you go about your muscle building arm workouts is that you should make use of supersets as often as possible.

A superset is going to be where you pair two exercises immediately back to back, so say a bicep curl paired with a tricep extension.

By doing them in this manner you're going to increase the muscle pump you get in the workout and also help to increase the muscle's tolerance to fatigue.

Try and do two different variations of supersets in each arm workout you do, and you'll be on track with building bigger arms.

Consider Drop Sets

Third, you should also try and incorporate in a few drop sets as well along with your supersets. While you don't necessarily have to do them both in the same session as that could quickly lead to overtraining, by throwing some drop sets in there when applicable, you will help push past a muscle building plateau.

A drop set is where you simply lift your standard weight for a given number of reps and then immediately after that, you drop the weight and crank out another set.

If you really have a lot of energy in you, once that's finished drop the weight again and then go for a third set.

Be Patient

Finally, the last thing to note with your muscle building arm workouts is that you must not overlook the importance of being patient. While it's understandable that you do want to see results as quickly as possible, try not to overlook the fact that some guys do have arms that are a bit slower to respond.

If you are seeing continual increases in strength over time though then you can rest assured that you are on your way to progress. Those who never see strength gains however should take a good hard look at their training program as that could be an indication that overtraining is currently taking place.

So there's everything you need to know to go about your muscle building arm workouts. If you follow these tips, you can be sure that you will get results and build muscle quickly.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vince_DelMonte

Flex Those Guns: How To Build Arm Muscle Effectively

Toning and developing your arm muscles requires great persistence. Even though our arms are one of the most used among our body parts, they are still susceptible to unwanted fat. However, you will find that ways on how to build arm muscles will not at all be difficult as long as you know how to utilize each part of the arm.

The arm is made up of two main muscles, the bicep and the tricep. Although these two are the most common among the arm muscles, some people also consider other muscles such as the deltoid in their workout.

The biceps are those muscles that are typically displayed as a show of strength. They are the muscles which are flexed during arm wrestling. Biceps are an essential part in building up arm muscles. A good and continuous workout involving the use of dumbbells and barbells can be enough to build good biceps. Barbell curls or hammer curls are considered to be effective bicep builders.

Triceps are the muscles located opposite the biceps. When biceps contract, triceps also do so in the other direction. Always remember to pay equal attention to the biceps and the triceps when working out because failure to do so will result in muscle misbalance and it can affect your strength, movement and coordination. Bench dips and different kinds of presses are the recommended exercises for triceps.

The muscles at the topmost part of the arm are the deltoids. However, they should not be confused with the shoulder muscles. Deltoids are also important in building arm muscles because they form the area between the arm and the shoulder. Deltoids are felt the most while you are holding any kind of weight. Workouts for getting bigger and better deltoids involve different kinds of presses as well as exercises that have to do with raising or lifting your arms straight while carrying a weight.

Additional tips on how to build arm muscles:

1. Stay hydrated. An increase in your hydration level can automatically be a contributing factor in muscle building.

2. Maintain a healthy diet. Your time spent on weight lifting and doing exercises to build up your muscles will all be useless without a strict diet of healthy and nutritious food. Avoid fatty foods and design a meal plan that consists of necessary nutrients.

3. Have patience. Building arm muscles actually takes time. Do only the necessary amount of exercises a day. Doing too much or too many exercises than needed in a day in the hopes of speeding up results will only lead to injuries or serious complications.

Are you looking for more information regarding how to build arm muscles [http://rippedmensfitness.com/]? Visit [http://rippedmensfitness.com/] today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melinda_L_O'Donnell

How to Get Big Arms Fast - Why Most Skinny Guys Get it Wrong

Let me tell you, from someone who spent his adolescence as a skinny guy, that being rake-thin is no fun. Yeah ok, i could eat a horse and still have room for apple pie and ice cream, and not even put on a pound of weight, but what good is that when you look like a bean pole?

If you pack on even just a few pounds of muscle, it can make a huge difference, and of course, one of the most impressive places to gain muscle is on your arms.

Big, muscular arms turn heads...period.

But how can you get big arms quickly? Well, here I'd like to show you the most common reasons most skinny guys struggle in their quest of how to get big arms fast.

Big Arms Have 3 Major Muscle Groups

The big mistake that most skinny guys make when looking at how to get big arms fast, is that they tend to focus solely on the biceps and more or less ignore the triceps. That can cost you many wasted hours in the gym.

Look at any bodybuilder or fitness model and you'll notice that in many cases the shape of their muscular triceps is what really gives them their big arms.

FACT: Triceps are naturally bigger and stronger muscles than biceps. So if you're overtraining your biceps you'll only end up with disproportionate upper arms, then don't look or perform nearly as impressively as a good balanced well-trained arm.

How To Get Big Arms By NOT Focusing On Them

Now, I'm a great believer in compound exercises for skinny guys to pack on muscle - in other words I tend to advise people to avoid using isolation exercises (particularly for beginnners) as they will tend to tire out certain muscles before others and so you end up fatigued too early and with poor results.

If you're looking at how to get big arms fast then you'd do well to remember that by simply completing good solid all-body workouts, your biceps, triceps and overall arm size will increase substantially. In fact, if you watch some of the biggest guys in the gym you'll notice that they hardly train their arms specifically. They focus on increasing the size and strength of their chest, shoulder and back muscles and know that big arms are simply a result of that.

If you focus solely on your arms and fatigue them, then by the time you get to exercise your back and shoulders you won't have enough gas left to perform properly, thereby sabotaging your overall fitness and muscle mass gains.

Apply Constant Tension To See Massive Growth

Another mistake skinny guys make when thinking how to get big arms fast is the failure to keep the arm muscles under constant tension in order to see the most gains. The visits to the gym become more about lifting as heavy a weight as possible or doing as many reps as possible to get big arms, whereas in reality it should be about performing the exercises under control with good technique and focusing on working whichever muscles should be worked.

You know what I mean, when you see guys throwing weights around with sloppy technique or "cheating" by using other parts of their body to help them during the exercise. This will not only cause you to suffer injury more often, but also fails to work the correct muscle groups consistently.

For instance, the biceps respond to constant pressure, so think about "squeezing" at the top of your barbell curls to get the maximum benefit to your muscles.

A trick I like to use when performing hammer dumbbell curls is to start with the dumbbell already lifted. So let's say I start by lowering the dumbbell in my right hand and then lifting it back up...well, while I'm doing that the dumbbell in my left hand is in the contracted position, meaning I have constant tension on BOTH biceps throughout the whole exercise.

Discover how a self-confessed "skinny twerp" called Vince Delmonte overcame his "skinny genes" and packed on 41 pounds of lean muscle mass to become a National Fitness Model champion ==> How To Get Big Arms Fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Wheeler

The Best Routines for Maximum Muscle Growth

Muscle building could be extremely intimidating particularly whenever you just starting. You may not know what exercises to do, what supplements to obtain or what foods to eat. The best factor you are able to do to ensure you are on the proper track to achieving your muscle building objectives is to get a muscle building guide that will teach you all the aspects of building muscle.

A Body builder's aim would be to enhance their muscles to their fullest capability, or at least to the point with which the body builder believes is sufficient, depending on whether they're training for fitness, general physical exercise or in pursuit of a sport. There's a have to push that exercise and training in order for the body to grow and to be able to cope with the muscles that will develop as the body builder gains muscles and weight. In weight training specifically, the person needs to continually push themselves in order for the muscles to develop. There are many training programs that assure large muscles in about three weeks. Adding much more reps and sets to your normal training plan is important for this to occur. For those people who wish to increase their muscle size, they've got to shock their muscles by introducing drastic variations in their physical exercise routines, focusing on individual muscle groups and training by introducing several sets in their normal routine.

It is essential for every bodybuilder to ensure that their body gets just the proper nutrients not only to remain healthy, but to assist it get the cuts and develop the muscle mass one envisions to accomplish. Even beginners to bodybuilding or any fitness training plan for that matter understands that protein is one of the most important nutritional supplements to consume. However it isn't just the only nutrient that's essential for every bodybuilder. Multi-vitamins are just as important as proteins, but they're also probably the most underestimated supplements that a bodybuilder can consume. Multi-vitamin supplements assist make sure that bodybuilders get all the vitamins and minerals they need for hardcore training, growth and well being.

Generally speaking, there are 2 main problems with diets. Firstly, your diet comprises of an excessive amount of fats and junk food that just adds on to your belly. Secondly, your diet comprises of too little calories and also you will find it almost impossible to acquire muscle mass. Cutting down on junk food would certainly assist you to in losing your body fats. If you're overweight because of fats, attempt changing your diet plan to 1 of lower calories and begin with cardio exercises. Fats will Never turn into muscles and also you should try to lose them prior to you begin building your muscles. Subsequent, if you are already following muscle building routines but have stopped growing, improve your calorie intake according to your body needs in order to acquire weight. Also, never fail to ensure that you take in high amounts of protein everyday. The suggested protein intake is 1.five times your weight in kilograms.

Try four exercises for each muscle. Only workout every muscle once a week, absolutely nothing more. Which will actually assist you to develop muscle quicker, because the muscle will have time to rebuild. Keep in mind, the building procedure takes location when you're recuperating.

Learn more about muscle building [http://menmusclebuilding.com/]. Stop by Matthew Franklin's site where you can find out all about muscle building supplements [http://menmusclebuilding.com/category/muscle-supplements/] and what they can do for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mathew_Franklin

5 No BS Best Back Exercises For Super Explosive Muscle Growth

Men who are able to perform 30 consecutive pull-ups or finish ten pull-ups with 90 pounds of weight hanging from a belt are truly impressive. This can be made possible by the best back exercises. Your back contains the second largest set of muscles, which is why working on it definitely pays off huge dividends both in health and physical looks. In fact, very few things look more impressive than a person's ability to hit a front or rear lat spread with effortless confidence.

The best back exercises effectively strengthen your back muscles, thus allowing you to pick up any heavy object with the assistance of your leg muscles. A strong back also lets you move your body easily in any direction, but most especially when you have to lift yourself up. Furthermore, a strong back protects you from having muscle imbalances that usually result from overtraining the chest. If you are concerned about your weight, then it will please you to know that strong back muscles also allow you to burn as many calories as you do when you train your legs.

Following is a discussion on the five best back exercises that can help you develop a stronger and better-looking back.

1. Barbell Bent-over Rows

This exercise is certainly one of the best back exercises you can perform to develop strength and thickness in your upper body. The movement involved in this exercise works everything - your traps, lats, lower back, and hamstrings. With proper form, this exercise will definitely set you apart from those who focus solely on pull-ups, chin-ups, and pull-downs.

Set up for this exercise by standing on a raised platform with the weighted barbell. Stand with your feet a shoulder width apart. With your knees slightly bent, your head held up, and your back straight, bend over slowly until your body is at an angle slightly lower than 45 degrees from the floor. Make sure that the weight hangs straight down from your arms and that you grip the bar with your palms facing towards you.

This exercise can be done in several variations: You may use close-grip, wide-grip, or medium-grip. You can also choose to hold the bar with your palms facing away. And if you prefer, you can do two-arm dumbbell rows instead of a barbell row. You may also use a machine called T-Bar for this exercise.

2. Pull-ups and Chin-ups

These are among the best back exercises that can be used to gauge your physical strength relative to your weight. To illustrate, a guy who can bench press a weight of only 315 pounds, but perform 30 consecutive pull-ups is a lot stronger than one who can bench press 600 pounds, but do only four straight pull-ups.

Set up for these exercises by standing on a box if needed. Otherwise, you can just jump up to reach the bar. Pull-ups are generally more difficult than chin-ups, but the best results are gained if you switch from one exercise to the next. When doing pull-ups, be sure to grip the bar with your palms facing away and your hands a bit wider than shoulder width apart. On the other hand, your palms should be facing you when you do chin-ups and your hands should hold the bar a little less than shoulder width apart.

In performing these exercises, you can use wide grip, medium grip, or narrow grip (with your palms facing each other). You may also want to do towel pull-ups in order to maximize your grip and finger strength. Try to avoid doing pull-downs with machines as much as possible. Stick to chin-ups and pull-ups with free weights instead.

3. Barbell Shrugs

This exercise is targeted at developing your traps and does not have any effect on the lats at all. In fact, you can build a good set of traps by doing up to 12 repetitions with a maximum of 585 pounds of weight in an Olympic bar. You can set up for this exercise either by deadlifting the bar off the floor or unracking it at thigh height. It is acceptable to use straps for this exercise. However, you will want to avoid using alternating grips. Using chalk may also be ill-advised for this exercise, especially if you are using a heavier weight than what you usually use when deadlifting.

When performing this exercise, remember to always stand straight, hold your head up and your knees slightly bent. Shrug straight up as high as your shoulders can go and try to touch your shoulders to your ears with the movement. To get full contraction, hold the position for about half a second. Dumbbell shrugs are a good variation of this exercise, except that it doesn't allow you to lift as much weight.

4. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

This is one of the best back exercises for isolating each side of your back. You can't go as heavy on this exercise as you can with barbell rows, but you can achieve fuller contractions with a wider range of motion because your scapula is not restricted from fully retracting on each repetition.

Set up by grabbing a dumbbell and then setting it down beside an exercise bench. Kneel with one leg on the end of the bench and then lay your hand on the other end for support. Position your upper body such that it is parallel to the floor and your free leg is planted on the side of your body, just behind the other leg for maximum support.

Some exercisers perform machine or cable exercises for the same purpose, but the best back exercises are still those that employ free weights, so it is most beneficial for you to stick to these exercises.

5. Barbell Deadlifts

This exercise is unique because it belongs to the list of best hamstrings exercises as well as this one. It is, in fact, one of the fundamental exercises of any serious weight training program. Deadlifts work your legs a hundred percent and require functional stability from 95% of your other muscle groups. When done in proper form, this exercise can help you gain more muscle, burn more calories, and become generally stronger. For these purposes, deadlifts are second only to squats.

Set up for this exercise with the barbell placed on the floor just above your ankles and right in front of your shins. For conventional deadlifts, stand with your feet a shoulder width apart. Bend your knees, reach down and grab the bar. Make sure that your knees are just inside your elbows. If you want to go heavy on this exercise, you may alternate your grip with one hand holding the bar with the palm facing you and the other hand holding the bar with the palm facing away from you.

You can choose to do this exercise with close stance or wide stance. Other variations you can choose from are sumo-style deadlifts, deadlifting off a box, deadlifts with chains or bands, and rack or pin pulls.

Now that you know what the five best back exercises are, you'll be more equipped to develop the strength of your back muscles. Of course, there are other exercises that can also help you build stronger muscles in your back as well as other parts of your body, but the five discussed above are the most essential and should therefore be mainstays in your workout. Integrate these exercises properly into your regular fitness and strength training routine and soon, you'll be the one impressing other people with your lifting prowess instead of the one being impressed.

Hey Skinny! Don't Delay. Even the odds by learning the 'Underground Secrets' of How To Build Muscle Fast [http://madformuscle.com] over at MadForMuscle.com. The one stop website for anybody looking to Pack On Muscle and Obliterate Fat.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Tottman

The Best Back Strengthening Exercises To Turbo Boost Muscle Growth

Did you know that your back muscles are the second largest muscle group in your body? This fact makes it all the more important for you to put some serious effort in training and building your back muscles. The best back strengthening exercises will definitely pay off whether you are aiming to look better in your shirts or you simply want to burn up more calories. Developing your back muscles can even help you increase your overall functional strength and develop good posture.

Specifically, the best back strengthening exercises can help you easily pick up any heavy object from the ground, especially when a strong back works in unison with a strong pair of legs. A stronger back will also allow you to move more easily in any direction, but most especially when you need to pull yourself up. Finally, working your back is a very good way of correcting any muscle imbalance you may be experiencing as a result of focusing too much on chest exercises. What's best is that back strengthening exercises help you burn as many calories as you do when exercising your legs.

Before we discuss what the best back strengthening exercises are, it may do you good to familiarize yourself with the anatomy and functionality of your back muscles. This way, you will have a better understanding of why such exercises are considered the best for back strengthening. For our purposes, we will focus the discussion on the middle and upper back.

Even with your shirt on, you can still see the two major muscle groups in your middle and upper back. These muscle groups are known as the latissimus dorsi (lats, for short) and the trapezius (also called traps). The lats runs from your armpits to your waist. This is the muscle group you see when people strike a lat spread bodybuilding pose. The traps are those muscles that start at the base of your skull, run through both sides of your neck as well as above your shoulders and then extend in a diamond shape to the middle of your back.

Another muscle, known as the levator scapulae or scapula, works in conjunction with your lats and traps. Now, you will recognize that an individual is serious about training his back muscles when he appears to have no neck because his traps are fully developed. If a person has flat traps, it usually means that he does not spend much time in free weight exercises such as deadlifts, barbell rows, and barbell shrugs. Such a pity, since these are counted among the best back strengthening exercises.

Your back is also composed of some smaller muscles which are secondary to your lats and traps. These muscles are the teres major, teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and rhomboideus or simply rhomboids. They are stimulated when you perform vertical and horizontal training exercises for your lats. The serratus is another back muscle that is also visible from the front, as it wraps around your body. Many people wish to train this muscle directly and the best back strengthening exercises for that are dumbbell and barbell pullovers.

Now that we have sufficiently discussed the anatomy of your back, it's time to talk about its functions. The primary function of your lats is to pull your arm down towards your pelvis. Subsequently, when you perform back strengthening exercises with your arms in a fixed position such as pull-ups, the function of the lats is to bring your body up towards your arm. The lats serve the same function both times, except that it works from opposite directions. Your lats also serve to keep your torso stabilized during movements like the flat bench press and the overhead press.

For its part, your traps facilitate the elevation of your scapula. This function is best demonstrated when you shrug your shoulders. It also serves to facilitate scapular adduction in rowing and scapular depression in performing pull-downs. The traps often work in conjunction with the lats as well as the smaller muscles of your back, especially when you perform rowing and pull-down movements.

Now that you know more about the anatomy and functions of your middle and upper back muscles, you're ready to learn what the best back strengthening exercises are. Here are the top three exercises you can do to develop your back muscles:

1. Bent-over Barbell Rows

Start this exercise by standing on a box with a weighted barbell. It is necessary to stand on a box so as to prevent the barbell from hitting the floor when you bend over. Take a shoulder-width stance for conventional barbell rows.

To start the movement, pull the bar up until it touches your chest. Make sure that the movement is controlled by your back muscles rather than your arms. Keep your head up, your elbows tucked in, and your back straight when you pull the bar up and be sure not to bounce it on your chest.

Next, keep your head up, back straight, and knees slightly bent as you slowly bend over until your upper body is positioned less than 45 degrees to the floor. Get as close to parallel with the floor as you can. Make sure that the weight hangs down from your arms directly below your chest and that your palms are facing towards you. Feel free to use some chalk for this exercise, but definitely NO STRAPS!

2. Chin-ups and Pull-ups

Set up for these back strengthening exercises either by standing on a box or simply jumping up to reach the bar. Grip the bar with your palms facing away if you are doing pull-ups and with your palms facing towards you if you are doing chin-ups. Furthermore, your hands should be a little more than shoulder width apart for pull-ups and a little less than shoulder width apart for chin-ups.

The movement starts when you pull yourself up until your chin goes over the bar. Be sure to keep your head up and pause for about half a second at the top of the movement. Lower yourself back down slowly until your arms are about 99% straight; be careful not to bounce upon lowering yourself.

If you are unable to complete the movement required for these exercises, you might want to try using assisted pull-up machines until you become strong enough for free weight pull-ups. And when you can already do more than ten pull-ups effortlessly, it may be time to try weighted pull-ups and chin-ups.

3. Barbell Shrugs

You can start this exercise either by deadlifting the barbell directly off the floor or unracking it at thigh height from a squat rack or power rack. Grip the bar with your palms facing towards you and then unrack the weight or lift it off the floor until it hangs to mid-thigh. Be sure to always stand straight with your head up and your knees slightly bent. Shrug your shoulders straight up as high as you can and try to touch your shoulders to your ears. Hold this position for half a second and then lower the weight slowly back to mid-thigh.

This is one of the back strengthening exercises where it is okay to use straps. However, you'll want to refrain from using an alternating grip. Take note as well that chalk sometimes doesn't work well with this exercise, especially if you are using a much heavier weight than you usually deadlift.

Now that you know what the best back strengthening exercises are, you need to learn how to integrate them properly into your regular workout routine. You will need to ensure a balanced strength training program so as to reap the full benefits of these exercises.

If Your Serious About Packing On Incredible Amounts Of Muscle - Don't Delay. Discover the 'Underground Bodybuilding Secrets' of How To Build Muscle Quickly [http://madformuscle.com] over at MadForMuscle.com. The one stop website for anybody looking to Pack On Muscle and Obliterate Fat.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Tottman

Best Supplement for Muscle Growth: Whey Protein Isolate Powder

Whey protein is actually considered to be the best supplement for muscle growth, and of course, if you would like significant muscle growth, you ought to include it into your diet plan. A good way to obtain necessary protein, ingesting just a little protein whey helps to ensure that you'll be able to acquire your protein requirements.

The actual biological importance of whey protein is likewise substantial. Because of this, whey protein is ideal for muscle development due to its superior amino acid ratio. Any time protein is utilized to get your day-to-day protein requirement, a greater percentage of the protein is going to be soaked up through the body and then used by the cells. Your body's immune system is likewise bolstered, which is another reason why so many people consider it to be the best supplement for muscle growth.

Perhaps you still remember the story of Little Miss Muffet? Clearly, she had some good info regarding the very best supplement for muscle growth, considering that she ate her curds and whey along with terrific joy. The reality that protein whey is actually extracted from all-natural resources is the reason it's a premier muscle growth supplement.

Whey happens to be made naturally as a byproduct within the cheese-making processes. Nevertheless, it's full of fat and milk sugar, or perhaps lactose, when in the natural state; therefore, it shouldn't be ingested in such a state. Micro-filtration or perhaps ion exchange is utilized in order to separate out, and take away unwanted fat and lactose coming from raw whey, leaving behind an extremely concentrated kind of protein, which makes it the best supplement for muscle growth.

So, at this point, you're more than likely ready to add some significant muscle gains simply by getting a container or two of protein whey, but you're probably wondering what the best whey protein to buy is?

There are two kinds of whey protein available on the market - whey concentrate and whey protein isolate powder. Purity is actually what tends to make the two unique. The isolate has extra protein and much less lactose and fat in each helping, and it's thus deemed a lot more pure than the usual concentrate. Whey isolate consists of ninety to ninety four percent proteins and is deemed to be the best supplement for muscle growth. Whey concentrates, in contrast, consist of approximately seventy to eighty five percent proteins.

Undoubtedly, whey isolates are also more expensive compared to whey concentrates. Therefore, the one that is actually more costly (isolate) is going to be the best option, correct? Well, not quite....

Whey protein isolate powder is perfect for individuals who experience gas and/or trapped wind following the consumption of protein whey, or perhaps those who are lactose-intolerant. Do not forget, that even though the isolate is really the best supplement for muscle growth, it doesn't automatically generate superior muscle growth compared to whey concentrate. Whey protein concentrates are generally as beneficial as, and cheaper in comparison to the isolate. Nevertheless, concentrates ought to be avoided by those people who are lactose-intolerant. You actually shouldn't suffer a loss of sleep concerning which type of protein to purchase, simply because in the end, both are prime muscle growth supplement proteins.

Nutrition via protein is in fact incredibly straightforward. When you are trying to improve muscle mass, be sure to consume between 25 and 50 grams of protein every 3 hours. The required protein can be had from your whey isolate, egg whites, fish, poultry, lean meats, or even whey concentrate. Where your protein originates from doesn't actually make a difference.

Whey protein can be described as a practical top-notch muscle growth supplement. Incorporate a couple of scoops in your early morning breakfast cereals, rather than cooking egg whites for breakfast every day. You can also substitute meat protein by using a protein shake, particularly if you're in a rush.

Want an unfair advantage in getting the best supplement for muscle growth, find out more information relating to whey protein isolate powder, visit www.perfect-whey-protein.com [http://www.perfect-whey-protein.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Koh

Bicep Workouts - Are They Necessary?

The Obsession With Biceps

Every guy's trying to pump 'em up. But is it just a waste of time to do bicep workouts? Biceps are one of the "glamour muscles," along with pecs and abs. Guys tend to focus a lot of their attention on these at the expense of the other muscle groups. Bench press, curls, and crunches... these are the bread and butter of the modern man's weight lifting routine.

But why biceps? Compared with the hips and the shoulders, biceps are a poor indicator of overall strength. Researchers in the field of evolutionary psychology have found that women are attracted to three main features on a man's body:

1. Broad shoulders.
2. Slim stomach.
3. Muscular butt.

What's missing from that list?

The main reason guys put so much emphasis on their biceps is to try to "out-gun" other men and win more social validation. But don't jump to conclusions and think you shouldn't work on your biceps at all...

Bicep Curls: A Horribly Inefficient Exercise

Let's be honest, bicep curls take up a lot of our time at the gym. Whether they are dumbbell curls, barbell curls, concentration curls, or preacher curls, most guys have done 'em all.

Isolation exercises, such as the biceps curl, are best left to bodybuilders. The idea that our muscles need to be worked on one at a time has been ingrained in our culture since the muscle mags of the 70s glorified guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno.

Isolation exercises may help you grow stronger, but at one muscle group at a time, you will be spending a huge chunk of your life working out just to get into decent shape. Most guys take a week at the gym to work each of their muscle groups individually. Much better to do compound exercises that work several muscle groups at once so you can get on with everything else you need to do in your busy life. Complex exercises also help you develop better coordination and balance.

You may be thinking that if you ignore bicep isolation exercises that your body will somehow look "unbalanced," with flabby parts and ripped parts. Well, the body is meant to perform complex movements such as the squat and the press, and will naturally look "balanced" if you make them your weight lifting staples.

The Best Biceps Exercise

So bicep curls take up too much time that would be better served doing complex movements, ones that will work many muscles at once, help you look more balanced, and improve your balance and coordination. So which ones are best to build your biceps?

Truth is, most of the "big lifts," such as deadlifts, presses, and cleans are going to work your biceps to varying degrees. But if you are really worried about them, there is no better solution than to incorporate the close-grip underhand chin up into your routine. Not only will your biceps get stronger, but your back will get a great workout as well, helping develop the V-shaped torso that women find so attractive. And you'll never waste another minute on traditional bicep workouts ever again.

I run the radical health blog LeanMeanVirileMachine.com, helping young, busy men build strong, attractive, healthy bodies quickly and efficiently.

If you want to lose fat and gain muscle without spending an hour at the gym every day and eating lousy food, then click here for TONS of free tips and tricks!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darrin_Carlson

Get Bigger Biceps With Reverse Pull-Ups

Let's be honest, pretty much all guys that lift weights want bigger biceps. There's no rhyme or reason to this desire either, the biceps don't do much in our everyday activities except look good. An often overlooked exercise to target the biceps is called the reverse pull-up (also known as the reverse chin-up). Before we get too far ahead, let's take a quick look at what makes up the bicep muscle group.

When exercising the biceps, there are two main aspects to consider: the outer bicep and the inner bicep. The outer bicep is furthest from the body or along the outside of the arm while the inner bicep is closest to the body along the inside of the arm. The two remaining muscles in the bicep muscle group are the brachialis and the coracobrachialis, which lie beneath and outside the main bicep heads.

So what makes this exercise so effective? Well, most bicep exercises out there let the wrists bend or move because they are performed with dumbbells or a barbell. What makes the reverse pull-up so great is that you grab a bar in a fixed location. This lends itself to equal amounts of work performed by each head of the biceps brachii. You'll see it all the time at the gym with guys working out, moving their elbows wildly while lifting or their wrists are curled over; reducing focus on the bicep. Any break in form results in less effectiveness of the exercise.

Doing the exercise is easy, just grab an overhead bar with a supinated (palms facing you) grip. Hang from the bar, and lift yourself up as high as you can go. It's recommended to hold the peak moment to truly blast the biceps. Just remember to never let your feet touch the floor until the set is complete.

One of the best things about this exercise is that you need no special equipment or machine to do it. This can also be considered a negative to them as well. Since they only use your body weight, you can never go beyond how much you weigh for each lift. A solution to this is the use of a dip belt that can wrap around the waist that allows weight plates to be threaded through for additional resistance.

Further pros of reverse pull-ups:

This exercise is good for people with back problems as there is little to no spinal compression due to the hanging nature of the exercise.
Aside from working the biceps, they also target the lats. If you tuck your knees or extend your legs, you can also target the abs.
The forearms are also critical while performing this exercise. Both the extensors and flexors are used due to the overhead grip.

If you're ready to start sculpting your biceps to perfection, try the reverse pull-up. Give it a go two times a week over the next two months and see the difference they can make.

If you enjoyed this exercise, complete your workout of bicep exercises with video demonstrations and step-by-step instructions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_L_Vargas

3 Reasons Why Barbell Curls Are Not The Best Way to Build Big, Muscular Biceps

Whether you're trying to build big, muscular biceps at home or at a gym, you must understand the limitations and drawbacks of standard barbell curls. Like many beginning bodybuilders, when I started my arm training I thought barbell curls were best for building big, muscular biceps. But it wasn't long before I learned that this exercise is extremely limited for reaching this goal. This limitation results from the following 3 problems that often occur with barbell curls.

First, most guys perform barbell curls in a free-standing position. This means that the exercise is done while standing upright without leaning back against a wall. The problem with this position is that it allows your upper body to jerk or sway and use momentum to move the weight through the curling motion. Each repetition completed this way deprives your biceps the work they're supposed to get during this exercise.

If you insist on doing barbell curls, one solution to this problem is to perform this exercise with your back leaning against a wall. This back support will prevent the torso movement that enlists too much help from your back and shoulders. But even when you do barbell curls in this superior technical position, you may still encounter the second problem that I experienced with this exercise.

When I first started doing barbell curls, I noticed that they caused sharp pain in the deep tissue on the back of my forearms. I then discovered that the hand position required to do this exercise put extremely painful stress on my forearms. Though I suffered no actual injury, I had to find a way continue building my biceps that wasn't so painful. At this point I discovered the cambered or "EZ Curl" bar and my forearm pain disappeared!

If you find that barbell curls cause pain in your forearms, try doing your standing curls (with your back against a wall) with an EZ Curl bar. You'll find that the narrow and wide grip positions are much more comfortable than working with a straight barbell.

Additionally, for preacher curls - which are the best biceps builders ever - the EZ Curl bar is far superior to the straight barbell. The preacher bench position makes it nearly impossible to control a straight barbell without putting painful stress on the wrists. But the EZ Curl bar allows you to control the weight comfortably throughout the curling motion.

The third and final problem I've found with standard barbell curls is the limited angle of resistance placed on the biceps. Surprisingly, I still find that when I ask guys to describe what they do to build up their biceps, many of them say barbell curls and little or nothing more. These same guys then complain that they're completely frustrated with their lack of arm training progress. The problem, of course, is that you can't build big, muscular biceps with barbell curls alone. To add maximum size, strength and shape to your biceps you've got to train them from every possible angle - and that means you've got to workout with dumbbells!

No biceps building program can succeed without heavy emphasis on dumbbell training. To this end, your workouts should consist primarily of concentration curls, dumbbell preacher curls, seated alternating curls and my signature Winston Curls. If you're really serious about building big, muscular biceps, there's no getting them without heavy doses of dumbbell work.

So, don't worry if you're having problems building up your biceps with barbell work alone. Just start working with an EZ Curl bar and dumbbells and you'll see immediate improvement. In fact, you'll probably find that you don't need to do any barbell curls to build big, muscular biceps. How do I know that this is really possible? Because I built my 20-inch GUNS without using barbell curls at all.

Mark G. Winston, "The Master Gunslinger," is author of the ground-breaking training manual, "GO For Your GUNS - 7 Simple Secrets to AWESOME ARMS." He has also created GOforyourGUNS.com, a bodybuilding and fitness website dedicated entirely to helping you build big, muscular arms. Mark's forthcoming book will be jammed with workouts and training techniques to help you build the big, muscular arms that you deserve! To learn about the GO For Your GUNS bodybuilding system and get free arm training tips that really work, visit [http://www.GOforyourGUNS.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_G._Winston

How to Get Ripped Biceps Guide

When you start talking about muscle building or strength training, the first question people normally ask someone is how much they can lift. While most people want strong abs, legs and back muscles most people will likely work on and want to flash the arms, there more on show than your chest and stomach. By doing the correct amount and kinds of workouts and taking the right rest breaks from them, to allow muscle recovery and growth, you can raise the muscle mass and strength of your biceps. The following instructions will help you learn how to get ripped biceps.

How to...

Pick the correct weight to utilize; this should be one that is not too heavy but also not to light. When you use a heavier weight, your other muscles such as the ambushes and deltoid muscle catch the slack, meaning your biceps aren't working as hard. Try bumping five to ten pounds from the normal weights and note which muscles work heavier as one lift, however, if you can keep going after 10 reps it is too light.

Take a break for fifteen seconds between reps, by doing this you give the biceps time to rest and gain oxygen. In turn meaning you can work them more intensely for the 3 sets of 8-10 reps linked with gaining muscle mass.

Bring in cardio to your everyday routine. This is particularly significant if you have body fat round your arms or other regions. For example using a weighted jump rope will give the biceps an exercise while burning fat.

Compress on every lift. When you're targeting your biceps, you need to compresses the muscles tight at the top of every curl and hold it there for a one second and then releasing down over a 2 second period.

The muscles need time to rest and repair, this is how your muscle mass grows. You should leave 24-48 hours between each bicep workout to give your muscles time to recover properly.

Workout for How to Get Ripped Biceps

Firstly I would recommend dumbbell curls 3 sets for 8-10 reps. Secondly I would recommend doing one armed dumbbell preacher curls 3 sets for 8-10 reps. And finally doing 8-10 reps, 3 sets of zottman curls. This is what I am personally using to build up my biceps and it is very intense but they are three of the best exercises I think you can do for your biceps.

The final key is to want it. If you want it and you go for it and you don't give up that is really how to get ripped biceps.

Learn more about Muscle Building using my website 24hr bodybuilding fitness.

Take action now and unlock your physical potential.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_C_Gore

How to Build Big Bicep Muscles That Drive Women Crazy

How to go about building biceps is probably one of the most inquired about questions out there these days. After all, which guy wouldn't want to have an impressive pair of strong muscular arms with tall peaking biceps peaking out of them? Or biceps that women go crazy for. The stereotype of a guy who works out at his gym has always been a huge guy with bulging biceps doing bicep curls.

This muscle group is probably the only one on the human body which has earned itself scores of nicknames such as 'Guns', 'Pythons', 'Thunder and Lightning' and the 'Rockweillers' to name a few. Also, it doesn't matter what kind of a guy you are - fat, skinny, health conscious or simply lazy, there is not one group of men who would turn down an opportunity to enhance these muscles and flaunt them! Especially to women who like feeling on them.

Gone are the days when bulging biceps were only for professional bodybuilders and weightlifters...these days almost anyone can read up stuff on the internet or join a local gym and start on a strict work out regime to pump their arms. It has now become an obsessive addiction and has guys even carrying their weights with them on business trips so that mere meetings and presentations do not break their workout regime!

However, long believed notions that, the longer you spend slogging it out with your weights the bigger your bicep is not really true. While that may work for a short-term solution, it's not a sound long-term training strategy. Sooner or later, when the stress placed on the targeted muscle becomes more than the muscle can recover from, your body will start to suffer from overtraining. When that happens, muscle growth stops and injuries occur.

Another problem, which is common, is that, no matter how many exercises some people do, their arms stay about the same size. Why? Well, it's generally from training the wrong way.
5 of the most common problems with bicep training are examined in the text below combined with step-by-step program to take your bicep peak to new heights.

Problem #1 - More is not always better

The first thing to remember always is not to overwork the muscles and this rules applies to your biceps as well. You only need to work out twice a week, incorporating 3 sets of 6 to 8 reps each, in order to see the results. When you 'over train' yourself, you're not allowing your muscles the time they need to rest and build back and are therefore prone to injuries. Contrary to what you might think, working your biceps too many times a week will actually take away your results.
The way to build big powerful biceps is by lifting more weight. You can't expect to do three sets of curls with a light amount of weight and see any growth. You'll need to add on an extra pound or two and push yourself with heavier weights to get the results you're looking for.

Problem #2 - Look at me! Am I looking good?

This problem goes hand in hand with problem # 1. Most men love to see themselves in the mirror while training and therefore are prone to be more interested in noticing how they look while training rather than training itself! This narcissist trait will not do any good at all. Though training for a considerable period of time at the gym will cause your biceps to peak up for sure, as well as get you admiring glances, the honest truth in all of this is that the longer you keep at the weights in this fashion, the higher the chances are that you will 'over train' and wear your muscles out. Also, if you try doing this with weights that do not overload your muscles and emphasize an increase in your strength, your biceps will deflate quickly and your "look" will vanish leaving you with no muscle growth at all and a whole lot of wasted time spent at the gym!

Problem #3 - All round increase in strength Vs Peaked biceps only

Another problem many guys are faced with is that whether to work on the biceps only or go in for chest, back and shoulder exercises too? All they know is the end result - have well built arms and look spanking good. Working more on your chest, back and shoulders will increase your strength overall and will also beef up your biceps. This all round work out will be more proportional and you will not have to worry about having strong well-built arms with a thinner body. Simply focusing on the biceps all by itself will have feeling tired and drained by the end of it and with a lesser developed chest and back.
It is advisable to gradually increase the weights on your rowing, pull-ups and chin-ups as well as other common back and shoulder exercises and your biceps will gradually develop along in a proportional manner.

Problem #4 - Using the same bicep exercises every time

The most common of all recommended exercises to building your biceps are barbell curls and dumbbell curls. 2 sets of 5 - 7 reps of barbell curls along with standing dumbbell curls - 1 set of 5 - 7 reps should start you off properly. These sets undertaken seriously and regularly will produce results in the short span of time. However, one should remember that if continuing with the same set of exercises, week after week, one should gradually increase the weights and reps to see effective results and actually growth of muscles.

One can try to build the barbell curls up to 110 pounds approximately, and undertake a few slow speed sets with these, and your dumbbell curls to up to 50 pounds or so, doing these in slow speed sets too. This will gradually tone your arms and will enhance muscle growth.

Once you reach this stage of barbell curls of 110 pounds, you would be ready to variate your exercises to involve the bar too. Initially you can start off by reducing the weights a little to get you accustomed to the rig, but then gradually you will have to build up the weights to the 110 pound level in order for the exercises to be effective.

Bicep Exercise 1: Place your elbows outwards, using a super-close grip, thereby stressing the outer portion of your biceps. Do this a couple of times.

Bicep Exercise 2: Next, you will "stress" the inner portion of your biceps by taking a super-wide grip on the bar and digging your elbows into your side without moving an inch.

Bicep Exercise 3: The brachialis and brachioradialis are the last in focus in this set of bar exercises. You are advised to stick to common hammer curls and reverse curls while doing this particular exercise.

Problem #5 on biceps - Being too easy on the muscle

For guys training to build their biceps, it is important to know and understand the concept of training a single group of muscles in isolation to the rest. Not understanding this simple, basic truth can lead to fatigue and over trained muscles. Biceps are a group of muscles which are highly responsive to strain / tension on them. Therefore, continuously concentrating your efforts on this little group without any sloppiness, or swinging motions whilst you are exercising will produce the results you are expecting in a short time and which will also lead to actually muscle growth of the biceps. Swinging while exercising or sloppy exercises will spread the tension around the muscle groups and therefore the biceps are "spared" from feeling the full force of the tension. Whilst exercising, the bar should be kept constantly moving, without pausing at the top or bottom, focusing on squeezing the bar and never stopping for regular rests in between until the set is over. The goal of sticking to such a rigorous manner of exercising is to not allow any oxygen into the muscle, which will then create a spike with your anabolic hormones to promote muscle growth. Trainers can also resort to a slower - 3-0-3 or 4-0-4 - tempo to achieve desired results in bicep muscle growth.

Yomi A is a freelance writer for Build Muscle Mass 101. He promotes a workout program called No Nonsense Muscle Building This is the same program that has help many guys get the muscular physique that women go crazy for. You can get more information on this muscle building program at http://www.buildmusclemass101.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yomi_A

Core Exercise - Best Ab Workout With No Crunches

The most overrated exercise in the world is the crunch. Personally, I hate crunches. I never do them unless I am bored and have nothing better to do. They are ineffective for fat loss purposes. Yet many people continue to load their ab workouts with crunches in hopes of finding that elusive six pack.

It ain't gonna happen!

The best ab workouts include complete core exercise solutions, not exercises that only work the abs and place pressure on the lower back. If you want to strengthen your midsection you should do a lot of core stabilization exercise and move in more functional ways.

Here is the best ab workout that I have my clients perform. It targets core stabilization, rotation, and natural movements without putting undue stress on the spine and lower back.

1) Plank

The plank is the ultimate core exercise. For a healthy lower back, you should be able to hold a plank without deviation for two minutes. If you cannot, then your core is weak and you need to work on it. If you can do a two minute plank, add an exercise ball to the mix.

2) Woodchop and Reverse Woodchop

Rotation is the most functional movement of the core. These exercises work the oblique muscles and improve overall core strength and function. Every good ab workout should have at least one rotational exercise like the woodchop.

3) Mountain Climber or Spiderman Climb

These two exercises get the heart rate up and make the core work hard to stabilize the spine. All of the best ab workouts have at least one exercise like this. Think fat loss and core strength all in one.

4) Exercise Ball Rollout

The best exercise that works the abs in a concentric fashion is the rollout. It can be performed with an exercise ball or an ab wheel. This exercise first stretches then contracts the abdominal muscles. It is also great for core stabilization, which is why it is one of the best overall exercises for an ab workout.

5) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing

This exercise is the most dynamic core exercise that I know of. It will get your heart rate up fast and is great for total body conditioning. It is one of my favorite exercises for interval training and is an excellent addition to any fat loss program.

I would perform all five of these exercises in a circuit two or three times. This will be one of the best ab workouts of your life.

But remember, to get that six pack you need a complete program of total body resistance training, interval training, and proper nutrition.

Do all of those things and this workout will do wonders for your abs and core.

For more from Matt, visit http://www.healthybodyrevolution.com. In addition, if you need a boost to help you get more out of your workouts and your day, see Matt's tips on natural energy boosters [http://mynaturalenergyboosters.com].

Matt Joseph created the Healthy Body Revolution in 2010 to change the world of health and fitness. There is currently too much misinformation in the media concerning these topics, particularly in regards to weight loss. With the Healthy Body Revolution, the health of millions will be dramatically improved, one person at a time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Joseph