Core Exercise - Best Ab Workout With No Crunches

The most overrated exercise in the world is the crunch. Personally, I hate crunches. I never do them unless I am bored and have nothing better to do. They are ineffective for fat loss purposes. Yet many people continue to load their ab workouts with crunches in hopes of finding that elusive six pack.

It ain't gonna happen!

The best ab workouts include complete core exercise solutions, not exercises that only work the abs and place pressure on the lower back. If you want to strengthen your midsection you should do a lot of core stabilization exercise and move in more functional ways.

Here is the best ab workout that I have my clients perform. It targets core stabilization, rotation, and natural movements without putting undue stress on the spine and lower back.

1) Plank

The plank is the ultimate core exercise. For a healthy lower back, you should be able to hold a plank without deviation for two minutes. If you cannot, then your core is weak and you need to work on it. If you can do a two minute plank, add an exercise ball to the mix.

2) Woodchop and Reverse Woodchop

Rotation is the most functional movement of the core. These exercises work the oblique muscles and improve overall core strength and function. Every good ab workout should have at least one rotational exercise like the woodchop.

3) Mountain Climber or Spiderman Climb

These two exercises get the heart rate up and make the core work hard to stabilize the spine. All of the best ab workouts have at least one exercise like this. Think fat loss and core strength all in one.

4) Exercise Ball Rollout

The best exercise that works the abs in a concentric fashion is the rollout. It can be performed with an exercise ball or an ab wheel. This exercise first stretches then contracts the abdominal muscles. It is also great for core stabilization, which is why it is one of the best overall exercises for an ab workout.

5) Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swing

This exercise is the most dynamic core exercise that I know of. It will get your heart rate up fast and is great for total body conditioning. It is one of my favorite exercises for interval training and is an excellent addition to any fat loss program.

I would perform all five of these exercises in a circuit two or three times. This will be one of the best ab workouts of your life.

But remember, to get that six pack you need a complete program of total body resistance training, interval training, and proper nutrition.

Do all of those things and this workout will do wonders for your abs and core.

For more from Matt, visit http://www.healthybodyrevolution.com. In addition, if you need a boost to help you get more out of your workouts and your day, see Matt's tips on natural energy boosters [http://mynaturalenergyboosters.com].

Matt Joseph created the Healthy Body Revolution in 2010 to change the world of health and fitness. There is currently too much misinformation in the media concerning these topics, particularly in regards to weight loss. With the Healthy Body Revolution, the health of millions will be dramatically improved, one person at a time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Joseph